Create a new profile
Firstly, we will show you how to create a new profile. To do this, open the profile settings on the start page via the Manage profiles button in the toolbar. Here, click on the Manage profiles sub-view to open a window. In this window, enter a name for your profile in the name field - here, for example, Fleet - save the entry, the new profile name will appear in the list and close the window by clicking the OK button. Now you have created the new profile Fleet - and if you open the profile settings again, you will see this profile in the list.
We will now use a few examples to show you what types of profiles you can create and which filter settings you can select for them.
Profiles for departments and workspaces
On the one hand, it can make sense to create profiles according to departments and work areas - e.g. planning, production, assembly or service - and thus preset the filter settings for a department - e.g. office for planning.
This is how it works: You open the profile settings via Manage profiles, select your profile - here Planning - and set the corresponding department - here Office - via the department filters. To save the whole thing, open the profile settings again, click on Manage profiles and select the relevant profile from the list. Then all you have to do is save the entry and confirm it by clicking the OK button.
Profiles for categories
You can create profiles for personnel and inventory categories in the same way as for departments. This works in the same way: Open the profile settings with Manage profiles, select your profile - in this case Apprentices - and set the corresponding category - in this case Apprentices - using the category filter. Then open the profile settings again, click on Manage profiles and select the relevant profile from the list. Save your entry and confirm everything by clicking the OK button.
Profiles for fleet and machines
Another option is to create profiles for the vehicle fleet and machines. As before, select the relevant profile under the profile settings. You can then use the resource filters in the toolbar to filter out only the inventory and then set the respective categories using the category filters. Finally, save the whole thing by clicking on Manage profiles as before, selecting the relevant profile, saving and confirming with OK.
These were just a few examples; you can freely create profiles for any topic. For example, it would also be possible to create profiles by person, such as a project manager, and filter the corresponding employees. Just try it out and feel free to contact us if you have any questions.